Thursday, September 5, 2013

Seerah Lesson 10


§King Negus (Najis)

The torture continued as the evil leaders of Quraysh kept punishing the weak Muslims.

They were abused, mocked, boycotted and flogged. Some were even laid onto hot burning coal, dragged on the hot sand or on rocks.

But their Imaan (faith) was so strong they didn’t give up their belief in Tawheed

The Prophet (sw) saw this and did not want his followers to suffer anymore.

He knew there was a kind and fair Christian king who lived in a country nearby.

His name was King Najis and he was in charge of Abyssinia, which is called Ethiopia now.

The Prophet said:

‘If you go to Abyssinia you will find a king there, a Christian, under whom under no one suffers wrong.’

About 100 of the Muslims left their homes and set off to go to Abyssinia. This is called emigration, and it was the first time Muslims emigrated.

There were about 80 men and twenty women that emigrated.

This took place in 615, the Prophet’s daughter Ruqayyah and her husband Uthman Ibn Afan also went. As well as Abu Bakr but he came back.

Umme Salamah was also part of this group, who began the Prophet’s wife later on.

When they got their the Quraysh had also sent someone to speak to King Najis and tell him Muhammad (sw) was a crazy man and was ruining Makkah.

It was Jaffar ibn Abi Talib (Abu Talib’s son) that spoke to the King to convince him they needed help and protection.

The King asked if he could read some of the Qur’an Muhammad spoke about.

Jaffar showed him Surah Maryam, which spoke about Isa (as) and how he had no father and was a humble pious man.

The King was amazed and had great respect for the words of the Qura’n.

He said this message definitely came from the same place as Jesus’s message.

He let the Muslims live in Abyssinia in peace and promised them they wouldn’t be tortured.

At the same time the Prophet (sw) was still teaching and helping the Muslims focus on their character and souls

Nourishing them with Imaan.

They kept meeting at Al-Arqaam’s house which was near the Kabbah to read and study Quran.

Ten years went by since the first revelation, but the Makkan leaders were still the same and horrible. 

The non-Muslims and leaders of Quraysh boycotted the Muslims, which means they did not let the Muslims come to their shops or do business with them.

They had no where to get food, clothes etc.

This was called the year of Sorrow, the Prophet’s loving wife Khadija (rd) died in this year as she got ill. His uncle Abu Talib also died. He died without becoming Muslim.