Thursday, September 5, 2013

Seerah Lesson 13

§Isra Wal Miraj

§(Night Journey)


The Prophet Muhammad (sw) was now in the eleventh year of his mission. He had strived through some very difficult and testing times. In fact, this was a testing period for all the Muslims, especially since they were suffering so many hardships from the Makkans. However, the Prophet (sw) remained steadfast to Islam and his mission. He continued to preach the message of Tawheed in this hostile climate.

Now something amazing was about to happen, Muslims talk about this event  even now. It was a special night, called the Night Journey Isra-wal-Miraj’. It is also called the ‘Ascension’. Isra means journey and Miraj means ascension.

He (sw) was lying down one night, and a man came to him, cut open his chest and washed his heart. Just like when it happened to the Prophet (sw) as a child. There was also a strange creature with the man.

It was called ‘Al-Buraq’. A white horse with wings and a beautiful face, whose steps where very wide.

The man was Angel Jibrael.

The prophet (pbuh) was taken to the farthest mosque in Jerusalem,               Bayt-ul-Maqdis.

This was no ordinary journey because normally the journey from Makkah to Jerusalem would take a month if travelling by horse or camel. It would take another month to travel back.

Here all the prophets were assembled and they prayed Salaah behind Prophet Muhammad (sw). This was a unique event where the most noble of human beings were gathered together in one place. All the prophets from the past were together at the same point in time to offer Salaah behind the last and final messenger.

The Prophet (sw) then travelled through the skies, ‘seven heavens’ and eventually went to the highest level where he met Allah (swt)!

During his journey there he had met prophets at each heaven and also spoke to them. He met prophets such as Adam (as), Yahya (as), Isa (as), Yusuf (as), Harun (as), Ibrahim (as) and Musa (as).

He had the opportunity to speak to these prophets and they acknowledged their faith in the final messenger.

When the prophet (sw) spoke with Allah, he was given the command for the believers to pray fifty times a day. as the Prophet (sw) descended, he met Musa (as) who advised him that this would be difficult for the believers and that he should ask for a reduction in Salah.

It got reduced to 5 times, but Musa (as) knew people wouldn’t even pray 5 times a day, but the Prophet (sw) was shy to ask again.

The five daily prayers were thus made compulsory upon the believers by the command of Allah. It was the will of Allah that the Salah should be reduced to five Salah in a day but still the people who perform them will receive the full reward for the fifty Salah. The prophet (sw) then continued his journey through heaven.

The Prophet (sw) was shown some amazing sights including Heaven and Hell. He saw the people that were getting punished for the bad actions they had done in their lives on Earth. In Hell, the punishments were indeed very severe and different type of evil deeds had different punishments.

The Prophet (sw) was also shown parts of heaven where he saw some of the many delights and ease the good people would be rewarded with. The prophet (sw) told his companions about paradise and some of the things in store for the righteous people on Earth.

When the Prophet (sw) returned home,     his bed was still warm and he realised he was only gone for a few second. But it felt like a very long time.

He (sw) told all his followers and the other Makkans. Only a few people believed him as it was such an unbelievable event.

žThe Makkans taunted Muhammad (pbuh) and asked him many questions. They laughed at him and claimed that he was making this whole experience up. They asked him many questions but this did not satisfy their curiosity. In fact, they began to taunt Muhammad (pbuh) more - saying how could he make a journey to Jerusalem in such a short time – it just wasn’t possible.

Seerah 12


§Year of Sorrow

The Muslims had two strong and powerful men on their side:
Abu Hamza & Umar IBN alkhatab,
But things were going to get worse. The Makkan leaders decided to boycott the Muslims. They did not   do business with them, sell them food or clothes etc.                         The Makkans became very awful and harsh towards the Muslims.
The situation became so difficult two tribes decided to stay in the Mecca Valley and live there. Relatives would bring them things like food and goods but it was still a terrible time for the Muslims.

Many became sick and hungry. There were elderly people and young children with them also. This boycott lasted over 3 years.

Many non-Muslims in Makkah were not happy with the boycott because their Muslim family members were suffering.
So it was finally removed.

Things became a bit easier for them but for the Prophet (sw) it was going to be an extremely sad and difficult time.

Khadija (rd) passed away just a few months after the boycott. She died of an illness. She had been the Prophet’s wife and support for 25 years, and the first person to believe in His message.

 He lost his closest companion and a person He deeply loved. This was the year 619, and is called the Year of Sorrow.

After just loosing His wife, the Prophet’s uncle Abu Talib also passed away. He was the main leader of Makkah and protected the Prophet (sw). After his death, one of the other horrible leaders would be in charge.

Despite the Prophet teaching him the message of Islam, Abu Talib did not say the Shahadah when he died.

At this time Muhammad (sw) was very hurt and had no support.
So He thought of going to a town nearby for help. He (sw) and some Sahabah went to the City of Ta’if to speak to the leaders about Islam.    But they were just as harsh and hostile.
They threw stones at Him and drove Him (sw) out of the city. They were mocked and laughed at.

 The Prophet (sw) made du’aa to Allah after leaving Ta’if.
He made du’a that Allah would not be angry at Him and that there is no power or strength except with Allah.
He also prayed that these people are guided and from them come good people.
 Many years after, all the people of Ta’if became Muslim. Subhaan’Allah!
 Even today, the city of Ta’if is a wonderful place and many Scholars, and teachers of Islam came from here.

This shows the power of prayer. The Sunnah of Rasool’Allah is to pray for even those people that hurt us.